The aim of this blog is to remove whatever doubts that may have entered some people’s minds regarding denial of any violence against Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) at her home, or against Hazrat Ali (a.s.) at the house of Janabe Fatima Zahra(s.a.).
Authentic references have been provided in the fond hope of a definitive conclusion and the eradication of all doubts Inshallah.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Wahabis have stated in one of their objections as follows:
In 1371 A.H., after nearly 1400 years, the Majlis Shura Islamic (Iranian Parliament) suddenly discovered an important secret: that Lady Fatima Zahra (s) did not die a natural death, on the contrary, she was martyred. It was this point that members of the parliament announced that now the word of martyrdom would be mentioned instead of demise and declared a holiday on this day and through this step they rendered the greatest blow to the unity of Islam.

In reply to this weak and baseless objection, it is necessary to pay attention to two important points:

Demise is a word, which includes natural death and martyrdom.
This topic is also found in instances like the martyrdom of Amirul Momineen (a), Imam Husain (a), Ja’far Tayyar (a), His Eminence, Hamza, chief of the martyrs and also with regard to the second and third Ahle Sunnat Caliphs.
Whereas no one has claimed regarding Amirul Momineen (a), Imam Husain (a), Ja’far Tayyar and His Eminence, Hamza, chief of the martyrs that they died a natural death.

In a large number of Shia and Sunni traditional sources, it is seen that the word of ‘demise; is used in connection with the martyrdom of Amirul Momineen (a). For example:
Imam Husain (a), after the passing away of his father, lived with his brother, Imam Hasan (a) for ten years and another ten years after that.[1]
Is the implication of the above statement that Amirul Momineen (a) was not martyred by the sword? And that he died in his bed?
Although the same topic is found in Ahle Sunnat traditional reports, but due to its importance in Shia books we are content only to mention it.

Friday, January 10, 2014



"O Mohammad! I have made that day ( 9TH RABIUL AWWAL) a day of eid for you and your Ahlul Bayt and their followers and Shia. I vow by My Glory and Magnificence that I will favor the one who celebrates that day with the rewards of the (angels) surrounding (the throne), and I will give him permission to intercede for close kin, and I will increase his wealth. And I will free, every year, on that day, thousands of your Shia, adorers and followers from the fires of hell and recompense their striving, forgive their sins and accept their deeds."( REF : Beharul Anwar v95 pg 351)

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Ahmad ibn Alee b. Al-Muthanna narrated, Qutun Ibn Nasir Al-Ghabry narrated from Ja'far son of Suleiman Al-Deb’y narrated to us Thabit Al-Nanany narrating from Abi Rafi who said;

 Aboo Lu'lu'ah was a slave for Mughira ibn Shu'ba and he used to make millstones and Al-Mughira used to to manipulate his labour by giving him four dirhams every day. Then Aboo Lu'lu'ah met Umar ibn Al-Khattab (to complain about his exhaustion) and addressed him; 'O commander of the faithful, Al-Mughira made heavier the burden of my livelihood so ask him to ease me."

 Therefore Umar told him; 'Fear God and do good to your master.' Therefore the slave got angry and said; 'Your righteousness contained all other people [but not me!]' Therefore he made up his mind to kill him. He made a dagger with two heads and poisoned it and came to Al-Hormuzan (Persian King) and said; 'How do you see this?' Then he said; 'You do not hit anyone by it but you kill him!'

He said [Abi Rafi]; and Aboo Lu'lu'ah awaited for Umar, therefore he came to him at the fajr (morning prayers) until he stood behind him. And Umar, whenever the prayers commended, used to say; 'Establish your rows' and he said what he used to always say and when he said takbeer, Aboo Lu'lu'ah hit him in his shoulder and hit him in his side, then Umar fell down and he hit by his dagger thirteen men.

Among them seven were killed and Umar was carried and took to his house and people shouted until the sun was about to rise, then Abdul-Rahman Ibn Awf said, 'O people! The prayer! The prayer!' He said [Abi Rafi’]; Then they [people] rushed to the prayer, then Abdul-Rahman ibn Awf took the lead and prayed leading them with the shortest two Surah's of the Qur'aan.

And when he accomplished his prayer, they headed to Umar and he called for a drink to know the intensity of his wound. So wine was brought and he drank it, and it came out of his wound, and he did not know if it was wine or blood. Then he called for yoghurt, and he drank it and it came out of his wound then they said; 'O commander of the faithful, there is no harm [to you]!' He said; 'If being killed is a harm then I am killed."

Footnote: Narration is Saheeh (Authentic). 

Source: Saheeh ibn Hibban. Vol. 15, Pg. # 221 - 223, H # 6905.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Holy Prophet (sawa) was Informed About The Oppression During Meraj

"As for your daughter, she will be oppressed and deprived, and the rights which you gave her will be usurped. She will be beaten while she is pregnant, her sanctity will be breached, and her house will be entered without permission. Then she will be humiliated and disrespected. She will find no protector, she will suffer from a miscarriage because she will be beaten, and she will die as a result of that beating."

Hammad ibn Usman narrates from Imam Jafar Sadiq (as):Abu Abdillah [Imam Sadiq (as)] said:

When the Prophet (saww) was taken to the heavens on his journey (at night), he was told, "Verily Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted, will test you with three afflictions to see how patient you will be."

The Prophet (saww) replied, "I submit to Your command, O Lord. And I have no power to stay patient except through You. What are the three tests?"

He was told, "The first (test) is hunger and giving preference to the needy over yourself and your family."

The Prophet (saww); replied, "I have accepted, O Lord. I am pleased (with Your Will) and I submit to it, and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told:
The second (test) is that you will be belied and you will be in extreme fear (for your life). You should spend your wealth, your blood, and your soul fighting against the people of disbelief, you should remain patient when you will be harassed by the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and you should remain patient when you will be hurt and wounded in battles.

The Prophet (saww) replied, "I have accepted, O Lord. I am pleased (with Your Will) and I submit to it, and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told, "The third test is that your family will be killed after you. As for your brother, 'Ali, your nation will slander and rebuke him, they will be violent with him, they will deprive him and usurp his rights, they will oppress him, and finally they will kill him."

The Prophet (saww) replied, "I have accepted, O Lord. And I am pleased (with Your Will), and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told: As for your daughter, she will be oppressed and deprived, and the rights which you gave her will be usurped. She will be beaten while she is pregnant, her sanctity will be breached, and her house will be entered without permission. Then she will be humiliated and disrespected. She will find no protector, she will suffer from a miscarriage because she will be beaten, and she will die as a result of that beating.